I Believe in Little MOO: Some Companies Tell Their Stories So Cute

I’ve got an email the other day. It was the sweetest little message I ever received. It was polite in a very cute way and how the message was told really melted my heart.

The email came from Little MOO, which I didn’t know existed until now. Little MOO introduces himself and explains he’s “the bit of software” that will be managing my order at moo.com. He tells me all the details about what will happen next, what I need to do and how I can follow my order. And at the end he reminds me he’s just a bit of software, so if I have questions I can contact customer service “(who are real people)”.

Below is the complete email from Little MOO:

Hello Anna

I’m Little MOO – the bit of software that will be managing your order with moo.com. It will shortly be sent to Big MOO, our print machine who will print it for you in the next few days. I’ll let you know when it’s done and on its way to you.

If you’ve imported your images to MOO from another site, please make sure you don’t remove or change the photos you’ve chosen from that site until this order has been printed, or some pictures may come out blank. (If you’ve uploaded them directly to MOO, then there’s no need to worry.)

You can track and manage your order from the accounts section at: https://secure.moo.com/account. Just use the ‘Login with Facebook’ button to sign in.

Estimated Arrival Date: Thu 16 Aug 2012

Remember, I’m just a bit of software. So, if you have any questions regarding your order please first read our Frequently Asked Questions at: http://www.moo.com/help/faq/ and if you’re still not sure, contact customer services (who are real people) at: http://www.moo.com/help/contact-us.html

Little MOO, Print Robot

“We love to print”

So cute, so sweet. I’m longing for more emails from moo.com. I will read every single one of them, whether they are from Little MOO or anyone else at the company (as long as the person is just as sweet as the bit of software they have). And when has that feeling occurred when receiving emails from other companies? Never in my life. Not until now. Not until Little MOO came around.

12 thoughts on “I Believe in Little MOO: Some Companies Tell Their Stories So Cute

  1. Great post Anna. I’m a MOO customer and a comms professional – I think their marketing is excellent. Except one incident soured my experience. I was really excited to receive my MOO cards and so I tweeted a picture to MOO – I’d seen them re-tweet other company’s cards so hoped they’d retweet mine. Maybe my design wasn’t creative enough for them, or maybe my tweet got overlooked, but they didn’t acknowledge my cards in any way, and it felt like I was again dealing with the faceless organisation I’d been trying to avoid. It’s those little things that make your customers feel valued and it really changed the way I felt about them.

    • That’s a pity, because you easily remember things that aren’t so good about a business. Perhaps it was just a mistake, made by the real human beings working at MOO. I’m sure Little MOO never would have made such a flaw! 🙂

  2. I thoroughly loved my moo experience as well! It felt like a business transaction with people I’d want to be friends with in real life. I’ll look for excuses to to buy from them again

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